I am so very proud to announce that my beautiful beautiful MORGAN - is now a Bench Champion!
She finished her championship with 4 majors and 3 BOB and a Group 2 placement!!!!!Morgan is my first show dog and I am even more proud to say that I handled her to all her winning points !!
Thank you to those judges that gave her a major win:
Dana Cline, Denise Tatro, Patricia Laurans, Robert Frost
"Know me stranger .... for
I am thy life blood and thy nectar.
I shall wet thy lips parched by the winds of deprivation,
and nourished shall be thy body, dessicated by the scorching inferno of intemperence. Rest thy head upon my bosom, lose thyself in the ecstacy of my caress,
and know me ..... for I .... am .... Morgan LeFay."
(words provided by Linda Johnson - thank you Linda)From her first win at 9 months old :

To her last - we knew she was special! We look forward to see where this girl - our foundation bitch, will take us!! Thank you Gail and Jenny!
By the way:
She is just shy of her Dual Championship - lets hope that is in her near future.
We are proud of our girl!! Way to Go Morgan! Winning photo to come....