Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween! Hope it is Safe and Fun!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Morgan places in her first Lure Coursing Trial

Morgan participated in her first Lure Coursing trial in Reidsville, NC this past weekend. She placed 5th in a large open class (5 pt major). I have high hopes for this girl. She ran great, tons of enthusiasm and I think by the end of the trial it was really starting to click in her head as to what she was supposed to do on the field.
Thanks to Mike for some really great photos of her. Included here are some of my favorites, but more can be seen in our web album from this event.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Best of Opposites in Sweeps at MAWA Specialty

Here is the photo of Morgan (Ableaim Morgan Le Fay) going BOS in Sweeps at the MAWA Specialty on September 18th, 2008 in Atlanta, GA! Morgan was 13 1/2 months old here.
Way to go Morgan and Thank you Judge Harriet Vincent! What a special day for both of us!

Morgan Lure Courses

Morgan was able to Lure Course this past weekend. As you can see she had a great time!! We are excited as she will eligible to compete with the other dogs at the next trial later this month.
Way to go Morgan!